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First National Congress on Osteopathic Medicine

"Scientists meet Osteopaths: towards a Systemic Medicine"

Con il Patrocinio:

Dipartimento di Malattie
Prof. Saverio Giovanni Condò

Università Tor Vergata
Master in Medicina Naturale
Prof. Saverio Giovanni Condò

Ordine Provinciale dei Medici
Chirurghi e Odontoiatri di Roma

Registro degli Osteopati D'Italia
Pres.: D.O. Eduardo Rossi

Associazione Italiana per la Rieducazione Occluso-Posturale
Pres.: D.O. Eduardo Rossi

Centro delle Ricerche Olistiche per la Medicina Osteopatica e Naturale

Accademia Italiana di Terapia Osteopatica Posturale
Pres.: Ft. Giovanni Moccia




Roma, 20 - 21- 22 Giugno 2008

Hotel Villa EUR "Parco dei Pini"

P.le Marcellino Champagnat, 2 - 00144 Roma

On the 20th- 22nd of June 2008, the University Foundation L.U.Me.N.Oli.S  together with C.R.O.M.O.N. srl (Centro Ricerche Olistiche per la Medicina Osteopatica e Naturale) and GLM Edizioni, are organizing a

First National Congress on Osteopathic Medicine
Scientists meet Osteopaths: towards a Systemic Medicine

The aim of the event will be to offer a solid context in where doctors, dentists, scientists, clinicians, and osteopaths can gather together towards a common language, sharing their successes as well as their doubts, needs and difficulties on operating in a synergic manner.

The ultra-specialistic medicine,  strong of the results obtained against frank pathologies, is always more facing the challenge of “Algic and Dysfunctional Syndrome”  treatment. In those cases, in fact, patients show evident improvements  from an integrated approach of a Systemic Medicine, that takes in account and respect the autoregulatory properties of the body.
An integrated, causal more than symptomatic, functional, complex and human Medine…able to acknowledge and taking in account the results obtained by an integrated postural analysis and osteopathy…a world all to discover!

Up to now, the Osteopathic Medicine has been mainly an Efficacy Based Medicine. It has developed world wise, thanking to its ability on resolving daily people’s aches and often frank pathologies. However, now as never before, Osteopathy is called to become an Evidence Based Medicine, translating its results into a common clinical language.
To achieve this objective, we need a meeting point with the Traditional Medicine, free from every form of judgment, a medicine that hardly and daily put all of its efforts on people’s health, in Hopsitals, Universities…. Health should be conceived as a fully and consciously established presence of wealth, physical, psychical and spiritual, and not only as a state of absence of illness.  

The Conveign will be based on 4 sessions:

  1. Saturday from 09:00 to 11:20

Legislative and Political Session: Education and Profession in the Osteopathic Field.  
Integration between Osteopathic and Allopathic Medicine in Europe and Overseas

  1. Saturday from 11:20 to 13:30

Prospectives and Evidences of Osteopathic Medicine applied to Pediatrics

  1. Saturday from 15:00 to 19:00

Clinical and Osteopathic Approach on Autonomic Nervous System Dysfunctions:                                      Prevention and Rehabilitation

  1. Sunday from 09:00 to 12:00

                                             The Osteopathic Intervention in Odontoiatrics
                                  cranio-cervico-mandibular dysfunctions: preventions and evidences

Each session will be made of 4-5 speeches based on clinical trials, in where the osteopathic and the traditional medical approaches have been applied on specific controlled clinical context. To each speech will be given 15 minutes circa.
At the end of each session, it will be given wide space (30-40 minutes) to a “Rotunda Session”.  It will be the moment not only for questions from the participants, but overall for a constructive discussion between the speakers and special guests at the Rotunda  (International Osteopaths, Chairs of the main Hospitals in Rome, Chairs of the main Universities in Italy, Presidents of different associations - as the Italian Register of Osteopaths, the Italian Register of Doctors and Dentists - political leaders and many others) . The aim of the Rotunda  Sessions  will be to elaborate guide lines and research projects or scientific consensus on the subjects presented on the previous session.
Each school of Osteopathy will be also invited to present its research project in form of Poster Presentation, oriented towards an integration of the Clinical Medicine and the Osteopathic Medicine.
We also have the honor to guest the most representative osteopaths  of USA, England, Russia and France!
Hoping to have you with us in this unique event,  we thank all the participants who dream on a new systemic Medicine .

Prof. Dott. Ezio Benagiano
Dott. Paolo Zavarella D.O.
Dr. Paolo Tozzi D.O.



